Showing all 21 results
Historical Subjects
Gustave Dore : “The Enigma” (1871)
Historical Subjects
John Trumbull : “The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776” (1786-1820)
Historical Subjects
Gustave Dore : “Liberty” (c. 1865-1875)
Historical Subjects
Frank Blackwell Mayer : “The Continentals” (1875)
Historical Subjects
Thomas Fasche : “Union Bank, 8th War Loan: Peace Through Victory” (1918)
Commercial Art
Alphonse Mucha : “Sarah Bernhardt – Lorenzaccio” (1896-1900)
Historical Subjects
Jean-Leon Gerome : “The Death of Caesar” (1859-1867)
Historical Subjects
Udo Keppler for Puck Magazine : “Dame Rumor: The Witch of Wall Street” (1909)
Historical Subjects
Walter Crane : “A Garland for May 1895” (1895)
Landscapes and Scenery
Childe Hassam : “Avenue of the Allies, Great Britain” (1918)
Landscapes and Scenery
Childe Hassam : “July Fourteenth, Rue Daunou, 1910” (1910)
Historical Subjects
Louis Raemaekers : “The German Tango” (c. 1916)
Historical Subjects
A. A. Lamb : “Emancipation Proclamation” (1864 or after)